Can stammering problem be cured by stammering therapy for adults?

Do you stammer often? Having a stammer can make a significant impact on one’s mental and emotional well-being, as well as self-worth. For adults who stutter, simple everyday life can become an obstacle. 

Situations that are normal for fluent speakers can become really tricky for those who stammer. Situations like:

  • Introducing yourself
  • Ordering a meal
  • Navigating voice-activated helpline
  • Engaging in a normal conversation
  • Socializing

There is no ‘miracle cure’ that will take away your stammering instantly. However, stammering therapy can improve the speaking fluency and help you feel more in control and confident while talking. 

What is stammering

Stammering is a dysfluency in speech and mostly develops during childhood. It is more of a neurological rather than psychological condition. 

A typical symptom of stammering is repetition, which is when a person repeats a word, sound or phrase. The person’s lips might be in the correct position to say a word, but no sound comes out. It is called ‘blocking’. This might last a few seconds until the word is finally pronounced. Sometimes the person might use fillers like ‘uh’, ‘umm’ to fill the gap when they are silent. 

Stammering therapy for adults

Stammering is more common in children when they start developing language skills. However, if you notice that your stammering has prolonged into adulthood, you should consider consulting a speech therapist in a reputed stammering cure centre in Kolkata.

If you are wondering why you need a speech therapist? Well, the reason is there are different types of stammering that needs different stammering treatment. 

A certified speech therapist will determine the treatment you need and start working on strengthening your organs such as lips, tongue, jaw and lungs and also improving your speaking ability with speech therapy.    

Some of the things that your speech therapist will teach you during your stammering treatment include:

  1. Pronouncing simple syllable words at a time. Make an effort to have each word pronounced before you move on to the next
  2. Communicate in simple and short sentences. Using simple language reduces mental pressure and boosts confidence in the person. 
  3. The speech therapist will help you understand that pausing in a conversation is alright. There is no need to rush into completing a sentence. Also, parents/guardians should learn to be patient and not help the stammering person by completing their sentences. 
  4. Your speech therapist at the stammering cure centre might ask you to read aloud a passage for a book or magazine to monitor your speech. Reading aloud improves fluency and helps you to come out of the embarrassment and fear of stammering.

Stammering can lower your confidence and lead to frustration, embarrassment and shame. However, stuttering can be treated with stammering therapy. If you stammer or know someone who does, we recommend to visit a speech therapist and get treated.