When a person has a stroke or other injury that affects the left side of the brain, it typically disrupts their ability to use language. This happens mainly when it affects the left side of the brain. This condition is known as Aphasia, which is a language impairment which makes it difficult to use language. Studies show that the language we use is stored in the left side of our brains. Thus when a stroke adversely affects the back part of the left hemisphere we have much difficulty to understand what we hear or read. The situation is somewhat similar to visiting a country where they use a language you do not know. You would know that they are using words and sentences. But you may not be able to follow what is being spoken. 

In fact a recent study reveals that Aphasia is a language disorder affecting about one-third of stroke survivors and can virtually eliminate speech. So it is indeed a cause of concern for those suffering from stroke. But new technologies have been developed to treat the problem of language disorder from stroke.

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New Technologies can be of great help 

Virtual Reality is slowly but surely making its inroads in our lives. This new revolutionary technology which has already made significant advances in gaming and the entertainment industries. It is also making its impact felt in the medical world too. EVA Park is a multi-user virtual world, which allows people suffering from Aphasia to engage in conversation with each other. As a patient if you are suffering from the problem you could use it to communicate effectively with therapists and support workers as well. This new virtual initiative contains various locations. These include attractive green spaces and a town square too.  

Here the users are represented by means of personalized avatars. This virtual park provides them with an opportunity to to practice functional and social conversations. This in turn helps them to gain confidence in an interactive space. The activities the users can engage in vary from ordering food in a restaurant, requesting a haircut or calling the police in an emergency.

Study showed impressive results at EVA Park 

A study was conducted in the Virtual  environment  involved 20 participants suffering from Aphasia. They were of an average age of about 58 years. The participants readily accepted the new environment. As a result of their participation, there was a significant improvement in their ability to communicate. Experts feel that technology can benefit people with speech and language disorder such as aphasia.

Often in the real world as a patient of Aphasia you may feel very embarrassed as a result of your inability to communicate. The virtual environment can prevent this feeling of embarrassment. Thus as a patient you feel more comfortable to communicate virtually. This brings about a faster recovery from the disorder.  

Thus technology can go a long way in treating language and speech disorder. However the role of the Speech therapist is essential as well to treat the problem. At SpeechPlus you can avail the best treatment of speech and language related disorders in Kolkata. For details contact us now.