Parkinson’s Disease SymtomsThere are two conditions that Parkinson’s Disease brings along with it: dysphagia in which the sufferer finds it difficult to swallow and the dysarthria in which it is difficult to speak. As obvious from the conditions, a person suffering from this disease is more likely to find it very hard to speak or communicate. Speech therapy is recommended and in most cases, it has worked for patients suffering from Parkinson’s Disease. What is needed is a team of specialized speech therapists like Speech Plus. If the care is offered in the early stages, encouraging results are obtained.

However, as obvious to anyone who knows a little about Parkinson’s Disease and the havoc it wrecks on the nervous system, speech therapists have their work cut out. It is very tough to offer speech therapy to such people that will help their problem. A speech therapist, in such cases, has to teach the ways to conserve energy and air in the lungs to speak loudly enough to be audible. Non-verbal communication is also taught by the therapist. Specific areas of concern need to be addressed as well. For example, the person may be taught on how to swallow correctly and seamlessly. It sure is an uphill task.

Role of Speech Therapist in Parkinson’s Disease Treatment

We have outlined some tips culled from speech therapists at Speech Plus. These tips will come in handy for those suffering from Parkinson’s Disease. Firstly, pick as noiseless an ambiance as you possibly can. There is no point shouting to be heard when you cannot afford to waste the energy or the air in the lungs. When speaking, always do so slowly. Deliberate on your words and chew them in your mind. When you speak in a hurry, you can more likely to fumble and that will hurt your confidence level as well. Speak slowly and speak face to face with a person. Let them see your face and your lip movement. Non-verbal cues will only help your task of speaking easier.

Parkinson’s Disease treatment in kolkata

Cut down on the frills while speaking with Parkinson’s Disease. Once you shorten up the phrases and the sentences, you will find it easier to speak them out. Do not form long, winding sentences in your mind. Speak only a couple of words per breath. That will give you time to think and speak without too much of a gap between them. Finally, treat yourself to voice and facial exercises every single day. Get your speech therapist to show you on what works best for your case. Exercises will loosen up those tight speaking muscles and render them more useful than they are now.