Misarticulation is a speech disorder where a person has difficulty producing specific speech sounds, resulting in unclear or distorted speech. This can include substituting one sound for another, leaving out sounds, or adding sounds where they do not belong. For example, a child may substitute the “w” sound for the “r” sound, saying “wabbit” instead of “rabbit.”

A well-known speech-language pathologist in Kolkata stated that phonological disorder is where a person has difficulty organizing speech sounds into correct words. A person with a phonological disorder may have trouble understanding and using the rules of sound patterns in their language, which can lead to difficulties in communication. For example, a child with this disorder may consistently leave out certain sounds or sound patterns, such as leaving off the final consonant of words.

Both misarticulation and phonological disorder can have a significant impact on a person’s ability to communicate effectively.  Hence, early intervention by speech-language pathologists is important to improve speech and language skills.

What are the distinguishing symptoms of misarticulation and phonological disorder?

Symptoms of misarticulation may include:

  • Substituting one word for another (e.g. saying “fum” instead of “thumb”)
  • Omitting a sound in a word (e.g. saying “poon” instead of “spoon”)
  • Distorting a sound (e.g. saying “thip” instead of “ship”)
  • Difficulty producing certain sounds or sound patterns
  • Speech that may be difficult to understand or unclear

Symptoms of phonological disorder may include:

  • Difficulty with sound patterns, such as leaving off the final consonant in words or substituting one sound for another
  • Difficulty using the appropriate sound in a word
  • Difficulty with rhyming or other phonological awareness skills
  • Limited speech sound 

If you suspect these symptoms in your child, it’s important to seek speech therapy in Kolkata for treatment.

How do speech-language pathologists treat misarticulation and phonological processing disorder?

Speech-language pathologists can provide effective treatment for both misarticulation and phonological disorder. However, the specific approach to treatment may vary depending on the individual’s needs and the severity of the disorder.

Treatment for misarticulation typically involves working on specific speech sounds that are causing difficulty. Misarticulation speech therapy focuses on improving the movement and coordination of the articulators such as the tongue, lips and jaw. 

While the treatment for phonological disorder often involves working on sound patterns and rules within the language. SLPs may use techniques such as minimal pairs, where two words are presented that differ by only one sound to help the individual recognize and differentiate between sounds. 

In both cases, the SLP will develop an individualized treatment plan based on the individual’s specific needs and goals. Treatment may involve one-on-one therapy sessions, home exercises and practice.


With consistent and targeted treatment, individuals with misarticulation and phonological disorder can make significant progress in improving their speech and communication skills.

Patient Review 

“The speech therapy is very useful for the kids who have issues initially. This institute was recommended by the pediatric doctor. Here, my child got necessary advice and he is improving a lot.”

  • ArjunSen